A work-related accident can leave you seriously injured. However, there are a lot of steps you should take to get the compensation you deserve. You may need to keep records of the accident, which might work against your claim if you fail t do it right.
The main evidence in your workers’ comp case is collected through depositions. Depositions are court sessions where you will be asked questions about your workplace accident, the injuries you suffered, and eyewitness accounts. Some individuals may be called by your workers’ comp attorney Virginia Beach on your behalf or your employer’s behalf.
Keep in mind that the deposition is your first impression on your employer’s insurer. Presenting a strong case during this session and presenting facts may prevent the insurance provider from using tactics that could result in the denial of your case.
Once you decide to file a workers’ comp claim, you should contact an attorney immediately. An attorney can handle your claim and help you through the deposition.
What Questions You May be Asked in a Deposition
When you prepare for a deposition, ensure you have prepared everything you must know about your workplace accident and medical history. Your attorney can help you determine the questions you may be asked and the information you must prepare.
Let us say you had a heart attack that you thought was job-related. During your deposition, you may be asked about your medical history. Such questions will determine whether your heart issue began during the time you worked in the company or whether somebody in your family has a history of heart disease.
What You Can Share During the Deposition
During a deposition in Virginia Beach, you do not need to share everything. Although you are under oath, it’s not your obligation to share the details of what you have discussed with your attorney, for instance. Even in court, client-attorney privilege also applies.
Thus, you and your workers’ comp attorney must discuss what you should not share during the deposition. The details depend on your case. However, your attorney can help you decide the information you can share and when you must object to certain questions.
If you suffered injuries on the job, you must seek benefits that cover your needs. Thus, you should take the right steps throughout the claim process. To avoid making costly mistakes, speak with an attorney before you attend a deposition. This way, you can prepare your statements and make sure you say what the court needs to hear.