The people of Pashtoonkordih have long been known for their hospitality and numerous places have sprung up in the area to accommodate travelers. In fact, Pashtunwali is the official language of this region. The people of Pashtunkordih are also known for their hospitality, being one of the main ethnic groups that make up the majority of the population there. They have a rich culture and traditional foods thanks to their own indigenous language. It would be a shame to lose these things as an alternative to English when traveling abroad or in another part of the world. It’s not easy to find something different when you know what you’re getting into! But why not travel back in time and explore other parts of Punjab under a new name? You never know what elements will respond best to different climates, flowers and foods. Let us take a look at some common alternative names for Pashtoonkordih: pah-SHAH-njah (Pah-SHAH-nyah), pah-SHAH-nah (Pah-SHAH-nah), pah-SHAH-naan (Pah-SHAH–ahn) and pah-SAHRYAN (Pas–Shaan– An). Let’s see how these three alternative names might suit your interests:
Take a gander at their affiliations.
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The name Pah-SHAH-njah is most commonly associated with the areas of FATA, SWITZERLAND and it’s Trans-Sikh border with Canada. The area is also known for its specific language, Punjabi. Another popular name for this name is ‘The Land of the Two Banners’, where the sandy beaches of Punjab meet the forests of Jammu and Kashmir. In this part of the world, people call this place ‘The Land of the Two Banners’.
The name Pah-SHAH-nyah might also be called ‘The Land of the Black and White’. This part of PUS OAS is also known for its Black and WhiteOSE, a prominent cultural activity in the area. Other names you might find in this area include ‘The Land of the Red and The Blue’.
The name Pah-SHAH-nyah-naan is mainly associated with the western part of Jammu and Kashmir, especially the city of Srinagar. This area also has a rich culture and many decorative arts like Art Nouveau, Indian Sculpture and Traditional Pakistani handicrafts are made in this part of the world.
The name Bhawani is mainly associated with the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. This part of the state is also known for its Language, Punjabi, and is also known for its cultural activities like Dharam Samaj, Bhandar Samaj, Bhandariya Samaj, etc. Bhawani is also a popular name for the eastern part of PUS OAS.
The name Bhandar is mainly associated with the TRENDY JIHADI HINDU CAVIDI, BHARAT KHARO SCHEME, and other Hindu rituals. Other major Bhandariya names are: Bhandari, Bhandariya, Bhandariya, Bhadari, Bhadariya, Bhadariya, Dalbari, and Dalbariya.
Bhandariya is a popular name for the western part of Jammu and Kashmir. This area is also called ‘The Land of the Blue Sun’. Other major Bhandariya names are: Bakshi, Bakshi, Bakshi, Bikrami, Bikrami, Bikrami, Dalbari, and Dalbariya.
Bhandariya- Sa
The name Bhandariya-Sa is mainly associated with the western part of Jammu and Kashmir. The area is also known as ‘The Land of the Red Sun’. The major Bhandariya-Sa names are: Bhandariya, Bhandariya, Bhandari, Bhadari, Bhadari, Dalbari, and Dalbariya.
The name Bhandariya-Na is mainly associated with the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. The easternmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Blue Moon’. The westernmost part of the state is also known as ‘The Land of the Red Moon’.
Bhandariya- Naan
The name Bhandariya-Naan is mainly associated with the westernmost part of Jammu and Kashmir. The westernmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Black Sun’.
The name Bhandariya-An is mainly associated with the easternmost part of Jammu and Kashmir. The easternmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Red Sun’.
Bhandariya-An- Sa
The name Bhandariya-An-Sa is mainly associated with the westernmost part of Jammu and Kashmir. The westernmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Black Sun’.
The name Bhandariya-An-Na is mainly associated with the easternmost part of Jammu and Kashmir. The easternmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Blue Sun’.
The name Bhandariya-An-Naan is mainly associated with the westernmost part of Jammu and Kashmir. The westernmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Red Sun’.
The name Bhandariya-Anana is predominantly associated with the western part of Jammu and Kashmir. The westernmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Blue Sun’.
The name Bhandariya-Ani is predominantly associated with the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. The easternmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Red Sun’.
Bhandariya-Ani- Sa
The name Bhandariya-Ani-Sa is primarily associated with the western part of Jammu and Kashmir. The western part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Black Sun’.
Bhandariya-Ani- Na
The name Bhandariya-Ani-Na is predominantly associated with the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. The easternmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Blue Sun’.
Bhandariya-Ani- Naan
The name Bhandariya-Ani-Na is mainly associated with the western part of Jammu and Kashmir. The westernmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Red Sun’.
Bhandariya-Ani- Anana
The name Bhandariya-Ani-Anan is primarily associated with the eastern part of Jammu and Kashmir. The easternmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Red Sun’.
Bhandariya-Ani- Ani- Na
The name Bhandariya-Ani-Na is predominantly associated with the western part of Jammu and Kashmir. The westernmost part of the state is also called ‘The Land of the Black Sun’.